2024 Annual Report



To build a community of strong,
healthy families who protect
and nurture children.

Diversity Statement

The Village’s commitment to diversity extends beyond our words.

Diversity fuels our mission.

We believe that we are stronger and better when we actively include diverse people and thought to guide our practices and engagement with others. Through our diversity we learn fundamental truths, discover opportunities to create a more inclusive society, and enact real change.


Dear friends,

MY TENURE AS CHAIR OF THE VILLAGE’S BOARD OF DIRECTORS MAY HAVE JUST BEGUN, BUT I HAVE BEEN CONNECTED TO THIS ORGANIZATION FOR 60 YEARS! I was adopted through The Village when I was an infant, and I’m grateful every day for my good fortune. The Village connected me to my incredible family, who not only provided me with much love, but also with countless opportunities that have helped me become the person I am today. So, it is an honor and a privilege to give back to this special organization as chairman of its board.

My parents always stressed that my “birth parents” must have loved me a great deal to make the very difficult choice to let me be adopted by a family who could take better care of me. Growing up with that explanation always made me feel fortunate and never abandoned.

I went away to college, enjoyed success in various jobs and entrepreneurial endeavors and eventually took over the Thomas Hooker Brewery. Early in the brewery’s existence, we were looking for a non-profit to support, and we decided to donate to The Village. That marked the beginning of my new relationship with the organization: as a donor, volunteer and eventually, board member.


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