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Our COVID-19 Crisis Response
The Village has been leading a rapid response to the COVID-19 crisis. Here’s how:
We launched a telehealth platform, where children, adults and families can connect to individual and group counseling, family and parenting support, treatment for addiction and recovery, financial and career coaching and more.

We implemented an “Ask a Doc” free non-emergency information line where callers can speak directly with Village staff psychologist Dr. Lisa Backus for free. She answers questions and connects callers to additional resources if needed.
We developed and continually update a robust COVID-19 Online Resource Center filled with videos, downloads, links and support to help children, adults and families navigate the uncertainties of the COVID-19 crisis.

We redeployed our school-based staff to support food and technology distribution and distance learning for students at five Hartford schools. 7,000 laptops, hundreds of meals, and educational packets were given to students and their families.

We introduced virtual home visits to continue connecting with children and families, including developmental screenings, interventions, “snack and story” time, parenting groups, and preschool activities – supplemented with ongoing distribution of bags of hands-on materials.
We collaborated with the IRS to roll out virtual Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA), a tax preparation program that uses secure document sharing and communication with taxpayers online and/or over the phone.

We consulted with caregivers on interpretation of psychological testing results and Individualized Education Programs (IEP) to help guide at-home approaches to special education students.

We distributed literacy bags of books and learning materials to families with children enrolled at The Village’s Early Childhood Learning Center to help with at-home learning opportunities.
Village COVID-19 Video Resources
Village Featured Articles
“Telehealth provides a new dimension to the therapeutic experience. I am welcomed into the homes and lives of individuals and families, connecting with them in a more personal way.”
– Molly Papish, LCSW, Village Adult Services Clinician