Hundreds of Hartford Children Receive Free Warm Coats and Resources at Village Trunk or Treat Event

Safe Halloween event supports families in need

October 24, 2024

The Village outfitted hundreds of children with warm winter coats during a free “Trunk or Treat” event Thursday evening.

The event provided a safe environment for families to celebrate Halloween, enjoy treats and activities, and receive new children’s coats, hats and gloves to help them stay warm this winter. Free wellness resources, including dental supplies, were also provided.

Village staff donned costumes and decorated the trunks of their cars to transform the parking lot of The Village’s downtown location at 450 Church Street.

Coats and accessories were donated by community members and local businesses as part of The Village’s annual effort to ensure families in need have warm clothing as temperatures drop. The new coats will help alleviate families in need from having to choose between providing a new coat over other basic needs, such as food, and ensure children have warm gear for winter in New England.

“No child should have to face the coming winter without warm clothing,” said Village President & CEO Hector Glynn. “We’re so grateful to all those who have stepped up to support this effort and ensure kids in our city keep warm during the cold months.”

The Village helps families year-round with essential items like winter coats, backpacks, hygiene products, food, holiday gifts for children and more. To learn how you can help visit

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