OnMed CareStation
The OnMed CareStation connects people ages two and up to licensed clinical professionals for private, one-on-one, virtual healthcare visits in real-time. No out-of-pocket cost or appointment needed!
Medical professionals available through the OnMed CareStation can address 85% of the concerns discussed in a typical primary care visit, including the capture of key vital signs. OnMed is commonly used for:
- Respiratory illness
- Allergies
- Headaches
- Heartburn
- Infections
Patients needing additional care―such as routine cancer screenings, immunizations or help for more complex injuries and illnesses―will be given referrals from the OnMed provider. E-prescriptions are also sent when needed to the patient’s preferred pharmacy. Patients of the OnMed CareStation have access to prescription medications at the Genoa Healthcare pharmacy on-site at The Village if they choose.
Village South
331 Wethersfield Avenue
Hartford, CT 06114
Visiting OnMed
The OnMed CareStation looks like a small doctor’s office, with seating for those waiting to be seen. In a connecting room, patients access the CareStation, pressing “start” on a screen to connect instantly and virtually with a certified nursing assistant or certified medical assistant, who walks them through the intake process. This includes:
- Activating CareStation privacy features, including fogging and locking the glass door to the room.
- Completing patient consent.
- Collecting patient demographic information and medical history.
- Verifying identification, insurance and/or payment.
- Documenting patient symptoms.
- Collecting vital signs such as weight, temperature, blood pressure and blood oxygen level.
Patients are then connected with an OnMed clinician for the live virtual visit. The CareStation is equipped with several medical-grade diagnostic tools to provide the clinician an accurate, real-time view of all vital signs. The CareStation also features high-definition thermal imaging cameras to help providers better examine the patient’s skin, eyes, ears and throat as needed to diagnose infection and other conditions.
The provider can then offer a diagnosis and treatment plan, including recommended medications and referrals. Encounter notes are stored securely in the patient’s OnMed medical record and My Chart which can be shared with other necessary care providers.
Once the visit is done, the clinician ends the call and unlocks the door. After the patient leaves, the door is briefly locked again so the station can be cleaned and made ready for the next patient.

Monday – Thursday, 8am – 7:30pm
Friday, 8am – 5pm
Visits are conducted in English, although support for additional languages will be available soon.
Village South
331 Wethersfield Avenue
Hartford, CT 06114