Stronger Families, Stronger Futures (SF²)

Serving families in Greater Hartford, our Stronger Families, Stronger Futures (SF²) program connects pregnant people and parents with young children to resources to help families thrive.

How we can help:

  • Convenient home visitation and telephone support
  • Child development and family strengthening
  • Parenting education and prenatal, postnatal and breastfeeding group support
  • Connection to basic needs, mental and physical health care and financial wellness resources

Home-based services:

SF² provides direct support to help families with children 0-5 years old improve their overall wellbeing by reducing risks and barriers to success through multiple approaches:

  1. Child First provides intensive, in-home mental health services to help young children and families who are experiencing challenges. Click here to make a referral for Child First Services.
  2. Parents as Teachers empowers parents with the knowledge they need to help their children be healthy, safe and ready to learn. Click here to make a referral for Parents as Teachers.

The Stronger Families Stronger Futures Prenatal and Early Childhood Home Visiting Network includes The Village, Catholic Charities Archdiocese of HartfordHartford HospitalHispanic Health Council and St. Francis Hospital & Trinity Healthcare of New England.

May 2, 2022
Just in time for Mother’s Day, The Village for Families & Children has expanded services to help empower local mothers, filling a gap in support as families face an increase ...
July 19, 2019
Here at The Village, we know how vital collaboration is to help children and families become strong and resilient. That’s why we’re so excited to announce the launch of Stronger ...