Child First

Child First, designed by Darcy Lowell, MD and offered through the Stronger Families Stronger Futures Prenatal and Early Childhood Home Visiting Network, helps reduce the impact toxic stress can have on your child’s development by strengthening your relationship with your child and addressing your family’s basic needs, such as shelter, food, medical care or employment.

This program includes:

  • Intensive in-home, attachment-based parent-child psychotherapy
  • Trauma treatment for exposure to stressful experiences in early childhood, such as violence, abuse, neglect, unstable or unsafe housing, or parental mental health problems or substance use disorder
  • Comprehensive case management

Click here to download service request form.

Nearly anyone can make referrals, including therapists, psychiatrists, probation officers, and school social workers. Should a parent wish to refer their child, we request that a current or previous treatment provider submit clinical information. This ensures we have a comprehensive mental health history to determine the suitability of the program for the child.

This program is funded by the Connecticut Department of Children and Families, the Health Resources and Services Administration, the Connecticut Office of Early Childhood and by the Connecticut Judicial Branch Office of Victim Services through the VOCA Assistance Grant.