Standing Together Against Racial Injustice
We were recently exposed to the killing of George Floyd. The images we have seen have been disturbing and traumatic. As a society we are confronted with yet another death due to negligence and brutality of several police officers. There is an outcry for justice as the death of Black citizens has become too common. We are all experiencing a variety of emotions including fear, doubt, anger, despair and shame. I want to acknowledge how difficult this time must be for you. I too am struggling with the continued racial injustice that is becoming pervasive in our society.
Our work at The Village often requires us to confront the impacts of racial inequality in our society. Fighting for change – in individuals, families and society – is The Village’s mission and is what inspires us to come to work every day.
We are unwavering in our commitment to justice and equity and we are here to provide support now and always.
In solidarity,
Galo A. Rodriguez, MPH
President & CEO, The Village
11 Things To Do Besides Say ‘This Has To Stop’ In The Wake Of Police Brutality, Huff Post
31 Children’s books to support conversations on race, racism and resistance, EmbraceRace
Addressing Race and Trauma in the Classroom, A Resource for Educators, NCTSN resource
Anguish and Action, Obama.org
Anti-Racism Resource List, Tiffany Bowden, PhD in Diversity and Inclusion
Anti-racism resources for white people
Community Violence, Reactions and Actions in Dangerous Times, NCTSN resource
Complex Trauma, Facts for Caregivers (for youth who have experienced multiple traumas), NCTSN resource
Five points of discussion for conversations about racial injustice, Counseling Today
Helping School-Age Children with Traumatic Grief, Tips for Caregivers, NCTSN resource
Helping Teens with Traumatic Grief, Tips for Caregivers, NCTSN resource
Helping Young Children with Traumatic Grief, Tips for Caregivers, NCTSN resource
Helping Your Child Cope with Media Coverage of Community Racial Trauma: Tips for Parents, YouTube video
Helping Youth after Community Trauma, Tips for Educators, NCTSN resource
How racism makes us sick, TEDMED Talk by David R. Williams
How to Make this Moment the Turning Point for Real Change, Medium, Barack Obama
Psychological First Aid (PFA), Field Operations Guide: 2nd edition
Racial Injustice and Trauma: African Americans in the US, NCTSN Position Statement
Racism and Violence: How to Help Kids Handle the News, Child Mind Institute, Inc.
Secondary Traumatic Stress Fact Sheet for Organizations Employing Community Violence Workers, NCTSN resource
Structural racism is a public health crisis, NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund, Kesha Moore
Systemic Racism Explained, act.tv, YouTube
The Power of Parenting, How to Help Your Child After a Parent or Caregiver Dies, NCTSN resource
Your Black Colleagues May Look Like They’re Okay — Chances Are They’re Not, Refinery29