Featured Story

The Village has opened Hartford’s first-ever, walk-in Urgent Crisis Center (UCC) for youth mental health, making a massive stride to address the children’s mental health crisis in Connecticut. Working with...

Stories of Impact

Levi and his family

Meet Levi and His Family

When the pandemic was in full swing, Levi’s ADHD and anxiety were heightened. He was having a hard time adapting as school and daily routines were quickly changing. The Village’s telehealth option made access to help and medication management easier while Levi...

Samar Amin, Village client

Meet Samar

Samar was completely broken after escaping a domestic violence situation. She reached out to The Village for help, despite being told by others that she wouldn’t be able to make it as a single mother of four children. In the...

Meet Speaker Matt Ritter and Rep. Tammy Exum

The Village is proud to work with policymakers to reform and strengthen Connecticut’s mental health system. Speaker of the Connecticut House of Representatives Matt Ritter and Deputy Majority Leader and State Representative Tammy Exum were named as Village Champions for...

Sulma, Kimberly and Julio

Meet Sulma, Kimberly and Julio

Sulma, Kimberly and Julio left Honduras for a better life in the United States. During their travels, they became victims of human trafficking. Sulma and her children came to The Village for help coping with what they experienced. Through therapy,...

Meet Tammy

Tammy—like so many others— became unemployed due to the COVID-19 pandemic. When her faith and confidence started to fade, she knew she needed help. That’s when she reached out to The Village’s Financial Opportunity Center. Soon after, Tammy got help with...

Meet Dismary

Meet Dismary. With support from The Village Holiday Giving Tree, she was able to purchase gifts for her children and other necessities for her family during the holidays. “I was so grateful when I received the gift cards—I almost wanted...

Meet the Misorskis

Dana Misorski—who is known as “Mrs. Christmas”—and her family have helped hundreds of Village clients purchase gifts, food and other essentials during the holiday season. After raising more than $7,000 to purchase gift cards for families in 2020 she increased...

Meet Davine

Davine desperately needed help with her credit and finances after leaving a traumatic relationship. Once she connected with The Village, she was able to build her finances, receive counseling and start a business.

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Check out the latest news and updates at The Village:

July 8, 2024
Thousands of youth and families served by The Village for Families & Children will receive the help they need to ...
June 17, 2024
More than 13,000 tax filers received free tax preparation and filing services from hundreds of IRS-certified volunteer tax preparers, resulting ...
June 13, 2024
With more than 120 golfers hitting the greens, The Village for Families & Children's 13th Annual Foursomes for Fatherhood Golf ...