Gifts made in memory or in honor
July 1, 2021 - June 30, 2022
Marshall Atwater
- Angela Atwater
Stella Bailey
- Doris B. Arrington
Patricia Barry
- Catherine Peoples
Stuart Beckerman
- The Glastonbury Auxiliary of The Village
Ronald William Birmingham
- Wendy Allerton
Paul H. Bowler
- The Glastonbury Auxiliary of The Village
Richard G. Broad
- Patti Mantell-Broad
Joyce C. Buckingham
- Harold C. Buckingham, Jr.
Robert Caouette
- Geraldine Dean
Michael W. Clark
- Anonymous
Frank & Irene Coope
- Martie Smith Byrd
Lisa Dennis
- Angela Bennett
Del Duchesne
- Joseph & Carol Waxman
David Enggas
- Angela Atwater
Marilyn D. Every
- Charlie and Alyce Alfano & Family
- Kenneth & Gail Hemming
- Renee Janow
- Harry & Jen Keegan
- Steve & Amy Lentz
- Sarah Liebowitz
- David Sheintop & Family
- Steve & Laurie Strauss
- Robert & Carol Tellar
Pamela G. Feigenbaum
- The Glastonbury Auxiliary of The Village
Betty Goumas
- Marcy Cain & Robert Kagan
Oz Griebel
- Kristen Griebel
Linda Carlson Hart
- Rita Bottoms
- Elizabeth Gillespie
- Elizabeth Pimentel
- Lynne Silver
- Judith Twersky
- Bill & Amy Weed
William H. Holmes
- Betsy C. Mack
Howard Homar
- Joseph & Carol Waxman
Marilyn Ives
- The Simsbury Auxiliary of The Village
Christine Jasminski
- Anonymous
- Colin & Laura Campbell
- Douglas and Janice Campbell & Family
- John & Joan Summers
- Sandy & Harry Summers
Enrique Juan Juncadella
- Paula Gilberto & the United Way of Central & Northeastern Connecticut
Doris M. Karpuk
- Joan M. Karpuk
Jane Keleher
- Robert & Joan Penney
Irvin Kyle
- Joan Kyle
Karen A. Lindlauf
- Sandra M. Nix
- The Glastonbury Auxiliary of The Village
Barre W. Littel
- Pamela P. Littel
Beverly Lowrey
- Anonymous
- Gary & Edith Valencis
George L. Mason, III
- Anonymous
- Mary Baumann
- Dennis P. & Deborah Blondin
- Charles & Nancy Brewster
- Andrea Carey & The HC Gang
- Robert Carey
- Patricia Davis
- Michael & Janice McDermott
- David & Laura Digalbo
- Josephine Fedrizzi
- Bradley & Amy Mingles
- Ted, Whitney, Oliver & Delphine Price
- Andrew Smyth
- Angela Sullivan, friends & colleagues of John
- Hancock National Accounts & Retirement Teams
- Peter & Karen Zummo
Russell John Richardson IV
- Anonymous
- Daniel & Lisa Bahre
- Kim Brassard
- Nathan & Judith Cantwell
- Case’s Lawn Service, Inc.
- Richard & Bonnie Case
- Richard & Mary Caserta
- Cynthia Colton-Reichler
- Hollys Crane
- Robert & Juliana Dalton
- Elsie Dlubac
- Gary & Deb Gula
- Peter & Mary Hess
- Darla Hudson
- Eileen Hurst & Michelle Downey
- Kathleen Keating Deming
- Katie Kenney
- Tim & Erin Kretz
- Dawn Lowell
- Jeffrey Mantie
- Erin McCarthy
- Gary Miller
- Lindsey & Deborah Pinkham
- John Pinton
- John Raye & Frances Trzcinski
- Herbert & Stella Richardson
- Marie Scully Gray
- Winifred Smith-Cox
- Bob & Jill Staubitz
- Harold Taylor
- Howard & Karel Tennen
- Deanna Tocco
- James & Barbara Vasquenza
- Diane L. Vigneau & John R. Britt
- Virginia West
Lynn Christie Rookey
- Anonymous
- Columbia Teachers’ Association
- Jessica DelMastro & The Horace W. Porter School Family
- Denese Gouvin
- Sarah L. Gretzky
- Charlie & Kelley Gunther
- Nicole Henry
- Horace W. Porter PTO
- Alex & Jeanne Monsiegneur
- Mary Ann Monsiegneur & Wayne Smalley
- Evan and Regina Petrakis & Family
- Corey Polakowski
- Roni Root
- The Morrison Family
- Susan Williams
Marlyce Rooney
- The Simsbury Auxiliary of The Village
Harry Rosenfeld
- Joseph & Carol Waxman
Helen P. Roth
- Mark Roth
Jane L. Ryan
- Gilbert A. Olson, Jr.
Beverly Rydberg
- Susan Accardi
- Joan Aiello
- Michael & Mary Jo Biedrzycki & Family
- Sharon Bell
- Ellen & Thomas Byrne III
- Deborah A. Dehertogh, MD
- Jeffrey & Cynthia Grindrod
- Karla Noad
- Albert & Carol Quartiero
- Thomas Sheehan & Dale Sheehan
- Donald & Sophie Sopelak
- The Alessio Family
- Robert & Cynthia Tierney
- Katherine Tolis
- Gerald & Patricia Vitkauskas
Lillian Stolz
- Joseph & Carol Waxman
Duc Tran
- Joseph & Carol Waxman
Mary Valentine
- The Glastonbury Auxiliary of The Village
Betty Wall
- The Simsbury Auxiliary of The Village
Michael Welch
- Stuart & Emily Rosen
Marshall “Maish” Wice
- Aaron & Laurie Bayer
Robert T. Wilder
- Louise M. Wilder
Sarah Adanti
- Lee Inbody
Dr. Marc & Joyce Banks
- Moira E. Jacquette
Michael & Emily Bernard
- Margaret Bernard
Jackie Birmingham
- Wendy Allerton
Jose Maria Salazar Bucheli
- Juan C. Salazar, MD, MPH, FAAP
Carlene D. Bush
- Deborah Baker
Rose Cancelmo
- Joanne Gillen
Jeanmarie & Colin Cooper
- Robert & Jean Hester
- Beth & Shannon McHester
Colin Cooper
- Robert & Jean Hester
Jeanmarie Cooper
- Nancy Woodward
Connecticut State Capitol Police
- Zani Imetovski
Joseph Eannel
- Anonymous
Christine Fini & Michael Talbot
- Kathleen Kraez
Gretchen Fountain
- Gail Schoppert
Collette Gardner
- Joel Cohen & Linda Smith Cohen
Christine Gaumond & Laura O’Keefe
- Meera Viswanathan & The Ethel Walker School
Connie Gavrich
- Leslie Fass & Robert Stillman
- Ann Fichandler
- Nancy Stein
Paula Gilberto
- Anonymous
- Sylvia Gilberto
- Steven Wright
John & Renee Greden
- Anne Reinish
Honorable Order of the Blue Goose International – Hartford Pond
- Ron Kern
Beth & Alan Houghton
- Susan W. Rubin
In Honor of Children Everywhere
- Andrea Buono-Shaw
Judith Kissane
- Pam Lucas & John Nealon
Charles Klippel
- Paul & Joanne Bourdeau
Bob & Karlyn Lowe
- Christine Jeffery
Ruth Lusk
- Richard Goulet
Zack Malet
- Edwin Malet & JoAnne Durako
Casey Mallinckrodt
- Mary K. Eliot
Dana Misorski
- Sara Avatapalli & Adam Denninger
Martin G. Morrissey
- Selim Noujaim
Aaron Mukherjee
- Avishake Mukherjee
Steve, Declan & Gavin Murphy
- Cassandra Murphy
Andrea Oddi
- William Jordan
Brian Reilly
- Donna & Bart Bovee
Galo A. Rodriguez, MPH
- Jeffrey A. Brine, Esquire & Susan Brine
Galo A. Rodriguez, MPH & Moraima Gutierrez
- Elizabeth Morrison
Phoebe Rotelli
- Randy Gabrielson
- Barbara Rotelli
Susan Rubin
- Aaron & Laurie Bayer
Henry Russell
- David Mingolelli
Peggy Santhouse
- Andrea Carey
Daniel Steward
- Kathleen McCarty
Jackie Shanti & Carl McCargo
- Anonymous
Geraldine Soucy
- Ms. Gloria Mogilewsky
The Bessette Family
- Dennis D. Duff & Linda Cowen-Duff
The Caperino-Pace Family
- Nancy Caperino
The Eagle House
- Paul & Rosemary Mullen
The entire staff at The Village
- Carlene D. Bush
- Laurel Kelly
The Kelly Family
- Anonymous
The Simsbury Auxiliary of The Village
- Joyce DeFrancesco
The Spinner Family
- Anonymous
Thomas Hooker Brewing Company LLC
- Aaron Gouin
Unitarian Society of Hartford
- Alfred & Katharine Herzog
Nancy Wadhams
- Scott, Sarah & Samantha Seiler